“We see no reason to renew this agreement, which expired yesterday,” Ramirez told reporters Wednesday about the move, which comes as bilateral tensions have flared up over a proposed deal to let U.S. troops use Colombian military bases and Bogota’s insinuations that oil-rich Venezuela has been arming leftist rebels. “We not willing to continue subsidizing the Colombian economy when on that side highly unfriendly decisions are being made against our people and our country,” Ramirez, who also heads state oil company PDVSA, said. Ramirez said the gasoline deal, under which Venezuela supplied the border region with 11 million barrels of gasoline a month at preferential prices to combat smuggling, was ended in response to Colombian President Alvaro Uribe’s decision to give the U.S. military access to seven bases. Read more here. Semana International delivers news about Colombia in English. Find more in our home.