
David Bushnell with Semana International

Historian David Bushnell, one of the most knowledgeable experts on Colombia, visited Bogotá and talked with SEMANA International about the country's past, present and future.


Bogota: Building a Sustainable City (III)

Bogotá is an international symbol of a sustainable city. This is the third cut of a documentary by e2 design II and narrrated by Brad Pitt

Exministro José Manuel Restrepo lanza dura advertencia económica para 2025

El Debate

José Manuel Restrepo habla en SEMANA: “En tres años se ha elevado el presupuesto en $ 130 billones”

El exministro de Hacienda y Comercio lanzó en El Debate de SEMANA una preocupante alerta sobre la economía del país.