


Nikole Mitchell en su faceta como pastora y stripper
Nikole Mitchell en su faceta como pastora y stripper | Foto: Nikole Mitchell


De pastora a stripper: “Dejé a la Iglesia, no a Dios”

Nikole Mitchell le ha dado la vuelta al mundo por cuenta de su historia. Pasó de vestir muy prudente y difundir la palabra de Dios, a desnudarse y lucrarse con ello. Así defiende su decisión.

6 de octubre de 2020

Nikole Mitchell es una mujer estadounidense que decidió colgar los hábitos para ser stripper. De 36 años de edad, creció en una familia conservadora de cristianos budistas y empezó a asistir a la iglesia.

La historia de la mujer ha recorrido al mundo por cuenta del relato que le dio al diario estadounidense The New York Post. “Uno de los líderes me ofreció ser pastora y acepté. Era lo que había soñado durante años: estar en un escenario frente a miles de personas”, aseguró la mujer. Corría el año 2016 y, señala, el asistir a una obra de teatro le hizo dudar de su rol como pastora. En la obra se hablaba de la bisexualidad con toda naturaleza y entonces sospechó que ella lo era. Además, indicó, ella siempre vio en su cuerpo cualidades pero, indica, “me hicieron creer que mis deseos y cuerpo eran pecaminosos y malos”.

“Sabía que si revelaba mi naturaleza lo perdería todo, ya que la iglesia no da la bienvenida a las personas Lgtbiq+”, aseguró, al decidir identificarse como una persona bisexual. Ya en 2017 empezó a subir videos a YouTube contando su historia y empezó a mostrar en Instagram fotos en ropa interior. Luego, producto de la aceptación, se desnudó por completo.

En 2019, se separó de su esposo y se radicó en la ciudad de Los Ángeles, en Estados Unidos, junto a sus tres hijos. Allí incursionó en OnlyFans, un servicio de suscripción con sede matriz en Londres. Allí, las mujeres pueden hacer erotismo a cambio del dinero que paga el suscriptor. Luego de que su historia se hiciera pública en el medio neoyorquino, sus seguidores en Instagram se han multiplicado. Allí, ella describió lo que siente. “Nunca me he sentido más a gusto en mi poder, en mi resplandor y en mi esencia divina. Y nunca he sido más feliz. Si puedo resumir lo que he aprendido estos últimos 4 años al volver a casa conmigo mismo, es esto: Puedes confiar en ti mismo”.

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Look who it is, bitches!!! (Swipe) If you would have told me 2 years ago that I would be featured on a multimillionaire's website, it would have blown my own mind! (and this photo and post is from a year ago! Life’s only gotten more magical since then!) PLUS being asked to be on Jimmy Kimmel twice, being interviewed and published around the world, being pitched to have my own reality tv show, getting paid to travel and model, and meeting the most amazing souls... THIS IS MY LIFE! And let me be completely honest - it’s not exactly shocking. I CREATED this life. I found my power, got clear on what I wanted, and went about manifesting it. The same thing is true for you! You KNOW what you’re capable of. You know WHY you were put here. You know your DREAMS get to come true. You KNOW you will motherfucking make it. Because you know your heart is telling you the truth! When my heart said I was capable of massive wealth, fame, and success, I believed her. I listened to her. I embodied that truth. And look where we are today. And as my quote says in the picture to the right, THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING. I haven't even BEGUN to tap into my success. I haven't even BEGUN to make the kind of money I know I'm capable of. I am only getting started and it's only going to get explosively better from here on out. This is just the starting point. 🔥😏🔥 This is available to you as well. If you are ready to take your life to the next level, if you're ready to create success from the inside out, if you're ready to build a life that honors who you were born to be, then I am your person. It's time for you to rise. It's time for you to thrive. It's time for the world to know you by name. Let's get you where you're meant to be. DM me or hit that life coaching link in my bio! 📸: @allthingsboudoir

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Y agregó, a través de la red Instagram, donde publica las fotografías de su presente: “Sé que hay muchas voces que tienen muchas opiniones sobre lo que debe y no debe hacer, debe y no debe ser, pero eres el único que sabe quién vino a ser. Confía en ti mismo, escúchate a ti mismo y sé tú mismo. El mundo se ajustará”.

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Being understood is not a prerequisite to you being happy, healthy, wealthy, and successful. . You get to have those things because you decide you want that. . Because you know you’re worthy of them. . Because you feel deserving of them. . But it is NOT predicated on others being fully on board with who you are and what you came here to do. . If you are waiting for certain people to get on board (aka waiting for their approval), you will ALWAYS hold yourself back in some way. . And when you’re holding onto energy (instead of expressing and channeling that energy), you become stagnant... stuck... slowed down in your rising and in receiving everything you want. . Because you’ve just given power away to someone outside of you! . But here’s the good news: . You don’t need anyone’s approval or permission before you unleash your greatness on the world! . God has called you. Life has qualified you. Love has equipped you. . You have everything you need to create the reality of your dreams! . So accept that! Embody that! Relish in that! . And go forth! . Unleash yourself on the world! Shine your motherfucking light! Express yourself! . Be who you came here to be! Do what you came here to do! . And alllll the right people will come alongside you. . But it doesn’t require you to wait. . Your rising... your movement... your elevation is the very thing that attracts all the right people, opportunities, and compensation you desire in your life! . So your job? . - Is to know you have all the approval and permission you need. . - Release the attachment to any specific person’s permission or approval. . - Take inspired action. - Repeat as needed. . You got this! And I got you! . If you desire support in your rising and transformation, message me and let’s chat. . Love you and believe in you!❤ . 📸: @zev.photography

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“Dios va contigo. Si dejaste la iglesia como yo lo hice, no dejaste a Dios atrás. Dios fue contigo y seguirá yendo delante de ti, permanecerá a tu lado y cerrará todas las cosas detrás de ti. Dios te tiene. La vida es hermosa…”, agregó en su reflexión. “Da miedo adentrarse en lo desconocido. Se nos ha enseñado a temernos a nosotros mismos, temer nuestros deseos y temer los codazos de nuestro corazón. Pero te lo digo: tus deseos te están llevando a un lugar que es tan hermoso, expansivo y libre, estarás tan alegre de haber dado ese salto de fe. La vida realmente mejora. ¡Gracias a todos los que me han amado y apoyado, tanto en este viaje como en la publicación de mi historia!”.

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When it comes to leveling up, it requires the willingness and ability to release old identities, habits, ways of thinking, and people from your life. And this ain’t easy. It’s easy to be more attached to your past than to your power, to your fear than to your future. But if you want to become everything you’re meant to be, you gotta stop identifying as the high school version of you! If you want your wildest dreams to come true, you gotta stop polling everybody, asking them what your chances are at making it. If you want to make the money of your dreams, you gotta stop associating wealth with assholery or you’ll never let yourself have it. Upleveling requires you to release anything and everything that doesn’t serve you. And that’s not easy for anyone, especially if you’re trying to do it on your own. This is the beauty of Rise and Release. I don’t want you to go at it alone. I don’t want you to trip over yourself and make it harder than it needs to be. I don’t want you living in guilt when you should be living in glory. I want to show you how beautiful, honoring, and loving it is to bless and release anyone and anything that doesn’t belong in your life. I want to help you form a new and truer identity that honors the fullness of who you are and doesn’t require you to sacrifice any part of yourself. I want to give you the tools to navigate a new life at new levels so that you stay in the flow and keep letting magical things happen to you. Because I promise you… life on the other side is SO, SO worth it! It’s why there are so many personal development books, life coaches, seminars, and trainings out there! We want you to have it all! I want your dreams to come true! I want you to be the fullest expression of you! I want you to make a shit ton of money! I want you to fulfill the calling that is on your life! That's what Rise and Release is all about! A 4 week program designed to help you release all that doesn’t serve you so can call in everything that does. Because you are worthy of it all. Sign up in my bio! We start next week!!! . 📸: @Zev.photography

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Finalmente, esta estadounidense, que vivió en Minessota antes de mudarse a Los Ángeles, y estuvo casada dudando de su sexualidad, madre de tres hijos, señaló estar orgullosa de su presente. “Me siento tan humilde, honrada y agradecida”. En su cuenta de Instagram, Nikole Mitchell suele publicar junto a sus imágenes textos en los cuales señala que no necesita autorización de nadie para proceder de la manera en que lo hizo. Es una constante en la mayoría de las fotos que sube a la citada red.