Print Edition


A new air

The death of Alfonso Cano, the maximum leader of the FARC, strengthens the image of Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and kick the critics that claimed that his style and his agenda opened opportunities for this guerrilla group., 249120


A new air


Who's Afraid of Petro?

The new Mayor of Bogotá has a tremendous opportunity to demonstrate that he is not the bogeyman, that he can achieve a good government and that he can reach higher.

Exministro José Manuel Restrepo lanza dura advertencia económica para 2025

El Debate

José Manuel Restrepo habla en SEMANA: “En tres años se ha elevado el presupuesto en $ 130 billones”

El exministro de Hacienda y Comercio lanzó en El Debate de SEMANA una preocupante alerta sobre la economía del país.